Help! Cracked live duck eggs that I thought were a loss!


6 Years
May 10, 2013
Forgive me for the double posting (posted in Ducks, also) But I need some answers! We incubated around 70 chickens and 15 ducks. I had great success with the chickens but no luck with the ducks. Today makes day 29 with the ducks and their incubator was smelling awful. I cracked several and all were losses. Of the last few that I cracked, two were alive! I had already cracked the shell and had to get them out. Neither had absorbed the yolk. Going on 2 hours and both are still alive and peeping. One is trying to move around but can't quite stand up and it looks much healthier than the other. I have both back in the incubator. What should I do?!?!?
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your gonna have to leave them alone and hope the yolk gets absorbed

next time candle them before helping them

you should be able to se movement on live eggs

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