Help!! Crooked neck baby!!!


6 Years
Dec 5, 2017
I noticed my chick holding her head to one side. Also when laying with other chicks would droop her head to the ground and close her eyes. Not normal for sure. She does eat. Brought her in but still worried. Any advice? She’s a creve Croure 3 months old. Ty
With her head to the side her other side looks out of place to me.


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That is called wry neck (torticolis, crook neck,) and it can be a symptom or a result of a head injury or vitamin E or thiamine deficiency. For now I would get human vitamin E 400 softgels, and give one daily along with 1/2 tablet of human Vitamin B complex daily for a couple of weeks. You can pos those into the beak one at a time, or crush the B complex in a little egg or food. A few bits of scrambled egg has selenium which is good for the E uptake. Get those generic vitamins at Walmart in the vitamin aisle or other pharmacy.

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