**HELP** Depue illinois Police came today said I have one week to get rid of chickens!

well everyone. the time I have been fearing came. tonight was the city board meeting. I went in front of them and read them all my stories and research and in the final sentence I asked them if they would consider making an allowance in their ordinace. after they discussed it aloud for a few minutes. their answer literally made me drop to my knees in front of them all in that room.......................not only do I get to keep my chickens and my goat but they are rewriting an ordinance to allow home owners to have chickens and mini animals as long as they get a permit. I bawled my eyes out in that room it was like every single emotion that I have had since the beginning of this flooded out of me. I had people coming to me saying its ok hun its all done. I feel like a house has been lifted from my shoulders. I am so happy I still cannot stop crying.
That is awesome, I'm totally proud of you! I too feel like chickens have helped with my minor depression, they wake me up every morning and the first thing I do is go outside and do chicken chores and talk to my rooster, lol. You are one amazing person, I'm sure your family is so proud of you.

And screw your neighbors :)
I am so happy for you all. You are truly blessed that those sitting there on the board realized the importance of owning poultry and small livestock. It is nice to know that there is hope for others facing the same situations.

Again, congrats!
I am so sorry to hear about your girls! I too have silkies and am addicted... I live on an indiana farm, with show silkies and misc critters! If you want to find them a great home, I am willing to help pay to have them shipped, and I'll gladly send you pics, so you know they are ok.!
FANTASTIC!! And in the process you made it easier for others coming after you because you put some effort into it and didn't just let it slide. Congrats!!

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