HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

It's possible it's alive, but doubtful.

Chicks only have so much air in the sack before they MUST pip the shell to be able to breath. By day 23, if your temp, humidity and day calculations are correct, more than likely it is doa. I would suggest opening the egg - in the same manner I mentioned above - just in case it's still alive and seeing what happened.

Maybe it quit developing. Maybe it died because it couldn't get out. It's good to know why sometimes. And sometimes, they just die. I had 2 perfectly developed blue part silkies that died in shell. One pipped internally and the other didn't pip at all. No reason why, they just didn't get out.
calm down!!!! Must not panic.

then wet a warm paper towel and gently wrap it around the egg and put it back in the incubator.
The bleeding will stop. I'm glad it's still alive. If it hadn't pipped, it probably was too tired from the effort.

Did you see if the beak was clear? As long as it can breathe, it will now rest and work it's way out. The warm, wet paper towel will lessen the likelihood of shrink wrap, but this baby will probably need more help.

Let it rest and absorb the rest of the blood vessels.
Ok. How much shell did you take away before you poked the inner lining? pics would make this easier.

Did you wrap the egg with paper towel?

Let the baby rest.

Give it about 30 min then recheck. It's possible it's turned the wrong way.

If it can't get it's beak out, there isn't going to be much more you can do. You don't want to help it any more until the bleeding stops. Some blood loss is ok, but if it hasn't retracted the majority of the veins, you have to leave it alone.

Waiting is the hardest part, I know.

It's good that it's moving. That's the best sign!
i doubled the paper towl, is that ok?

ever heard the saying "don't practice cooking making thanksgiving dinner"? well, thats what its like for me
i couldn't see the beak. i made a tiny hole in the air sack and then it squirmed. thats how i knew it was alive

I'm sorry to say that, usually when they haven't hatched on their own there is a reason
I will say one thing 70% humidity is way too high but, that is just my personal opinion. I find anything over 55% most chicks died from drowning. If you went as far as you did you are going to need to do what Batz said. Pick away at the outer shell so the baby can breath, dap the blood with a dry sterile bandage and wrap all but it's beak in a moist warm sterile facecloth or gauze. Only time will tell if it will properly absorb the yolk and live. Sometimes they live for a day or two but, as stated before there is usually a good reason they do not hatch and best left alone.

Sorry this happened to you but, either outcome you could look at it as a learning experience for your future hatches. Live and learn.


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