HELP!!!!! did eggtopsy and its still alive!!!!! *sad update*

sorry they're blurry, i can't find my good camera


LOL! I get it. I was the same way the first time I cracked an egg well past due date and it bled.

It still happens on occasion, but you just have to roll with it if you are going to help. I had 5 orp babies that I just hatched. I thought for sure 3 were dead. I opened all 3 and they all had live babies. I got a bit of blood but put them straight back.

2 hatched out on their own the third needed further assistance. I now have five fluffy beautiful babies.

But, it doesn't always go well. Once we start helping, it can go either way.

As for the paper towel, It's purpose is to keep moisture to the egg. So as long as it's around the egg and not smothering, it should be fine.
That's a much better pic! AND it looks good.

It was hard to tell how much blood was involved from the other pics.

Defiantly wrap in warm damp paper towel. Damp not sopping wet. Dont' want to drown the baby!

Then, leave it alone for a while. Let temp and humidity get back to normal.

Go take a long walk or something. Otherwise you'll just be fretting over the egg and may be inclined to touch it! Hands off for AT LEAST an hour!!!!
Wow your situation is scarily similar to mine... A few days ago, it was day 23 for my egg so I decided to open it, It started bleeding and it was still alive so i put it in the incubator with a damp paper towel. Later that day It wasn't moving so I got it out of the shell and it turned out it was being strangled by a blood vessel around it's neck and foot...

NO it didn't survive, it was dead by the time i took it out of the shell. It had been around i t's neck for a while because it's neck seemed to grow around it and it was bulged out so there was nothing I could have done about it anyway.

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