Help! Do I need to intervene!?


Crossing the Road
Nov 8, 2021
coturnix Quail chick on day 17, likely due on the 18th day, tomorrow.
I think she internally pipped 40 hours ago, on day 15, I think I heard a few faint chirps.
No external pips yet, no more rocking and not heard any chirps since last night ( I think)
This is my first hatch and I will intervene if I think she's stuck. She was the only egg growing well and went into lockdown alone. Is she running out of oxygen? Do I need to make a safety hole? I'm inxreasingly worried I have lost her.... Should I intervene?
Have you candled the egg to see if there is still movement?
yes, there's not much to see, she's pretty big, the light only shines through the air sac now, I couldnt see an internal pip though, which could mean I'm going mad, or?? Thing is I'm pretty sure I did hear some peeping.
I've decided to leave her be for now, and just hope for the best, tomorrow is day 18 so theres a good chance I'll see some signs :fl
yes, there's not much to see, she's pretty big, the light only shines through the air sac now, I couldnt see an internal pip though, which could mean I'm going mad, or?? Thing is I'm pretty sure I did hear some peeping.
I've decided to leave her be for now, and just hope for the best, tomorrow is day 18 so theres a good chance I'll see some signs :fl
Keep us updated! Hopefully you'll get a fluffy little chick tomorrow!
Keep us updated! Hopefully you'll get a fluffy little chick tomorrow
Not really any progress so far! On day 19 now, I have seen a little bit of rocking, so I have to assume the chick is alive and moving, but can't hear any peeping. There is the slightest crack on the surface of the egg that I noticed (I think) on the beginning of day 18, or end of day 17. It's kind of like a triangle and I thought perhaps the chick was pipping, but theres been nothing else since. I tried to get a photo but it won't show up. It looks like a pip but there's no actual hole, just maybe cracks. Do you think it sounds like a pip? If so, should I worry that the chick is unable to make a hole or zip, or is she just not ready? I'm a little worried but I'm trying not to despair too much since they can be as late as day 20 or even 21.
I'm ready and waiting to intervene, but I also don't want to rush in, incase she's still alive and absorbing the yolk still! This is my first try hatching, so I'm waiting impatiently over here :confused:
Not really any progress so far! On day 19 now, I have seen a little bit of rocking, so I have to assume the chick is alive and moving, but can't hear any peeping. There is the slightest crack on the surface of the egg that I noticed (I think) on the beginning of day 18, or end of day 17. It's kind of like a triangle and I thought perhaps the chick was pipping, but theres been nothing else since. I tried to get a photo but it won't show up. It looks like a pip but there's no actual hole, just maybe cracks. Do you think it sounds like a pip? If so, should I worry that the chick is unable to make a hole or zip, or is she just not ready? I'm a little worried but I'm trying not to despair too much since they can be as late as day 20 or even 21.
I'm ready and waiting to intervene, but I also don't want to rush in, incase she's still alive and absorbing the yolk still! This is my first try hatching, so I'm waiting impatiently over here :confused:
Sounds like a pip, it's not required but you can chip a piece of the shell off around the pip to make sure it's getting oxygen. If you turn a light on near it or play peeping sounds it'll hatch faster. As long as it can breathe it's fine to wait up to 24 hours before helping. I usually wait about 12 hours after a pip to try assisting.
Sounds like a pip, it's not required but you can chip a piece of the shell off around the pip to make sure it's getting oxygen. If you turn a light on near it or play peeping sounds it'll hatch faster. As long as it can breathe it's fine to wait up to 24 hours before helping. I usually wait about 12 hours after a pip to try assisting.
I'll try the light and sounds! It's evening here, so most likely if there's no progress by early tomorrow morning, of day 20, I'll start to assist, probably best to make a safety hole and chip away some shell above the air sac to see the chick, right? I don't want to rush anything incase she's not ready, but I'm still worried I could end up helping too late 😣 I've been reading up on assisted hatches incase it comes to it. I'll keep you updated

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