Help dog has been sprayed by a skunk!!!!

The baking soda/peroxide/Dawn is the method I usually use. One day last year, my DH let the dogs in before he left for work and when I woke up an hour later, the entire house stunk.. I had to throw all the couch cushions away, wash walls with vinegar, everything in closets and kitchen cupboards (even toothpicks) was contaminated.
That was the most horrid thing I've ever dealt with and the only thing that worked in the long run was the Nature's Miracle formula especially for skunk odor.
The dawn dish detergent, bakingsoda, and peroxide recipe is what is always posted on my horse list when someone mentions a skunk spray. It seems to work from what others say, but I've never used it myself.

As for the house, would one of the air freshners that removes odors help? Not just a cover up one, but those that are suppose to remove the problem odors. Sorry having a crs moment, and can't remember the name of the products! Perhaps someone reading this will remember!

I would try washing my window curtains as well, or anything the dog layed on, like it's bed, etc., in nature's miracle.


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