Help!!!! Dog problem...


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 28, 2009
I have an Alaskan/Husky, that is 12 yrs old. We just moved to a 3 acre farm, and this past week he started attacking wildlife.

I don't know what to do, other than keep him in the house 24/7.

Earlier this week, he attacked a tortiouse, he found in the yard.

Today I'm not sure what he found, but this morning i could see from a distance he was attacking something. I called him inside and locked him up. Hubby went to see what it was.

My dog is on his property, but because we live on a farm, cats, dogs and other wildlife cross his path.

Any advice???
If you can keep an eye on him while he's out you could put a shock collar on him and give him a little zap if he goes after something.
That might be an idea. I've tried tying him up on a 50 foot chain, but he just cries. My hubby is ready to put him down, if this continues. I've never had this issue before.
Why dont' you just walk him instead of letting him run free? It seems better than having him put down.

I stopped letting my dog run free in my yard when he killed two chickens. Now he gets walked. I never just tie him out.
really?..he wants to put him down for attacking a freaking tortiouse! if he were mine I wouldnt have thought about it twice,I would have removed the tortiouse and smacked him and told him "NO" as for the other animal until you know what it is,I wouldnt have done anything..if its a rat "good boy" if its a skunk..yuck..sounds like a perfectly normal dog to me..even my well trained dogs are going to chase wildlife that comes in the yard..MOST dogs will,doesnt mean they are turning into killers..just means they are being DOGS..if you dont like it tie him up or fence him in..or rather fence the wildlife out...
I would give him away because you don't put a dog down for being a dog. I have had 3 Siberian huskys and it is in their nature to chase creatures and he is in a new environment. Do the right thing for the dog as he is just acting by instinct.
Huskies have alot of energy....
Thats why i like my fat lazy Saint Bernards...*they're just like me!*

Can you re-home him instead of putting him down? Its your choice, of course. I'm just offering a suggestion. Best of luck to you and the dog.
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Yep the dog is just being a dog. You can correct him but good grief don't put him down. That is wrong on so many levels.
a shock collar will not work there is wayyy to much fur there..

and I wont even start about my feelings about shock collars...

I had a husky/malamute and she was the same when we first moved to the country and eventually she did settle

we made like a "zip" line and she had the length of the yard to run and the zip line would allow her to go and still be under control

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