HELP! Don't know they breed...


6 Years
Aug 15, 2013
SA, Cape Town
Good Morning Everyone,

I have my chickens for a couple of months now, so I am new to chicken raising, but I am looking forward for my hens do have lots of chicks, but I also want to know they breed and eventually have specific breeds and maybe show, a long way to go but goals is alos important to be estabilished :)
At the moment I have 3 hens and 2 roos. My Hens are :
-The White chicken name is Snow white ( I think she is a mix dutch)
-The creme hen, name is Pikinina ( Mix dutch "I Think")
-The big Hen, Gozzila ( No IDEA what breed is she, she was caught by me in my horses paddocks)
-The Big Roo, George (NO IDEA what breed is he)
-The Small Roo, simple name Rooster :p ( No idea of his breed, and he also was caught dying in my horses paddocks after 3 days of rain)

Hope this pictures have enough detail so you guys can give me a hint:

I don't know the answer to your question, but I didn't want you to go unanswered. I simply am not familiar enough with South African chickens to help you. The dark hen with the gold in the neck and breast feathers looks like an American Black Sex Link hybrid, though.

Hopefully this will bump your question back up and someone else more familiar with your local chicken breeds can help.
Good Morning Everyone,

I have my chickens for a couple of months now, so I am new to chicken raising, but I am looking forward for my hens do have lots of chicks, but I also want to know they breed and eventually have specific breeds and maybe show, a long way to go but goals is alos important to be estabilished :)
At the moment I have 3 hens and 2 roos. My Hens are :
-The White chicken name is Snow white ( I think she is a mix dutch)
-The creme hen, name is Pikinina ( Mix dutch "I Think")
-The big Hen, Gozzila ( No IDEA what breed is she, she was caught by me in my horses paddocks)
-The Big Roo, George (NO IDEA what breed is he)
-The Small Roo, simple name Rooster :p ( No idea of his breed, and he also was caught dying in my horses paddocks after 3 days of rain)

Hope this pictures have enough detail so you guys can give me a hint:

Buff Leghorn Bantam and Buff Dutch Bantam cross?

Black Star?

Maybe a Golden Duckwing?

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