Help, DS need a good idea for Earth Science fair project.


15 Years
Dec 24, 2008
Ocala, Florida
My DS is in 6th grade and has to do an Earth Science Fair Project. The problem is every idea we come up with his Teacher says it's wrong
. One idea was we were going to make a Tornado Chamber and the project was going to discuss, How are tornados formed. The next idea was Volcano's and the question we came up with was What layer of the earth does lava come from. Wrong again
. DS said the teacher told him the question has to have a dependant and independant variable. So now I don't know what to do
. Apparently earth science is not my strong point. So if anyone has any suggestions I'll take any help.
Not in his class. I guess since his teacher is teaching earth science she wants the topic to be earth science related, but this dependant/independant variable is not making it easier for me. I guess I should also add that my DS is in an advanced class.
Well it has been over 30 years since I was in school, but how about something about the process of decomposition of a piece of trash or something...... THat was just the first thing that popped in to my head
What about, What colors are chickens attracted to the most? You could take five different colored plates and put the same ammount of food on eack plate. Place four chickens in a pen with the food and see whick plate they eat from the most. Repeat three times. Thats earth science
Not sure. Ideas I have a lot of but the question required with the dependant/independant variables that is needed I can't come up with.
Me thinks the teacher should have maybe given a list of acceptable projects with all the restrictions .........
The old egg and vinegar experiment may work. Two eggs and two jars. In this case, the liquid you submerse the egg in would be the independent variable. One egg goes in water, the other in a 50-50 mix of white vinegar. After 24 hours, the egg shell should be gone in the vinegar jar, leaving the magical mystical shell-less egg behind, while the water jar just has a wet egg in it. The result would represent the dependent variable.

Also a great way to explain how acid rain affects limestone.

<edited to add a piece of information>
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