Help! Duck is sick - Can't quack, Now can't walk, maybe worms?


7 Years
Dec 17, 2012
We bought a duck for my kids for Easter. At the feed and seed store they just said it was a Easter duck. He has afro so my kids named him Mohawk. He was doing GREAT until about 3 weeks ago. He always had the best personality and would even come up in the yard, from the pond, to see us. He stopped quacking about 3 weeks ago, he still tries... but nothing comes out when he does. Then he stopped really eating. Yesterday I went down to the pond to try and feed him some worms and he acted like he was stuck in the mud at the edge of the pond so I tried to help him get unstuck. However, he wasn't stuck... he couldn't move! So - we brought him inside the house and put him in the bathtub with clean water and food. He has been eating his food but still can't really move. Today when I got home, I was going to clean out the tub and put fresh water in it. I kept seeing these little red worms that were about an inch long.

Has anybody ever seen this before? Mohawk is like our 3rd child and I want to do whatever I can to help him. The vets around my area will not see him because he is a duck... Any help to save my little girl would be appreciated! I'd hate for anything to happen to her. Expecially around Christmas!
Where did you see the worms?
What are you feeding him?
Is he put up at night and if so, where?
Is the pond clean or stagnant?

More info always helps.
Where did you see the worms?
What are you feeding him?
Is he put up at night and if so, where?
Is the pond clean or stagnant?

More info always helps.
I just saw them in the tub where she is now. We've given her a variety of things.... Bread, Purina; Flock Raiser, and Red Wiggler fishing worms. She doesn't get the worms very often but the bread and Flock Raiser is an everyday thing. No, she isn't put up at night. She has a little house that sits out by the pond but I don't think she goes in it at night. She's pretty well free to roam. The pond is clean....she typically walks around the edge of it and eats little fish and bugs.
Here is a link to gape worms in ducks, not saying this is what it is but when you said red worms the flag cam up. All the questions jdywntr posed needs to be answered also. sorry I didn't realize it was so long a link, but wanted to give you all the info Google had.
Thank you! I looked these up but these are much much larger then what I saw in the tub. These were very tiny and had the water not been clean... I probably wouldn't have seen them. It breaks my heart to see her like this! Thanks for the information.
Thank you! I looked these up but these are much much larger then what I saw in the tub. These were very tiny and had the water not been clean... I probably wouldn't have seen them. It breaks my heart to see her like this! Thanks for the information.
Ok - so looking at everything....The pictures don't add up but the information does. I'm going to go to the feed and seed store tomorrow and get the medication (Ivermectin) that they suggest. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks so much for your help. I tried and tried to find information online about ducks that have worms and there was just so much information on so many different types of worms. Thank you again!
Ok - so looking at everything....The pictures don't add up but the information does. I'm going to go to the feed and seed store tomorrow and get the medication (Ivermectin) that they suggest. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks so much for your help. I tried and tried to find information online about ducks that have worms and there was just so much information on so many different types of worms. Thank you again!
We'll be waiting for update..
I need help my male hes a young one idk how old my brothers found him but my duck perry wont walk he seems very weak his one eye seem not normal looked all crusted but i washed it out.. i gave him salt water and all he eats in oatmeal and bread... just last week i caught him eating the roaches from the house but idky he wont really eat and he squaks but its not his normal talk.. hes always so happy to see me he lives inside the house in the bathtub i became sick and i couldnt really clean up his mess is cause his home was dirty that he got sick i need help hes my baby....
He needs a balanced food - a feed store sells either chick or duckling starter crumbles.

Right now he needs some extra vitamins, a warm place - not too warm - good clean bedding, water 24/7, and a safe place.

If he is a wild duck breed a wildlife rehabilitator may be the right person to care for him. I understand about getting attached, but he needs proper care. Especially if he is sick, he may need a vet or someone used to helping sick ducklings. Can you get some starter crumbles? Towels are okay for bedding but they need to be changed regularly.

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