HELP! ducklings hatched but shell stuck to their bottom


7 Years
May 15, 2012
I have 3 indian runner ducklings hatched and 2 goslings on the way. The indian runners have shell stuck to their bottom and I don't know whether this a yolk sac thing or something else entirely. Worried. They are a little under 3 hours hatched.
thank you for any help.
I have 3 indian runner ducklings hatched and 2 goslings on the way. The indian runners have shell stuck to their bottom and I don't know whether this a yolk sac thing or something else entirely. Worried. They are a little under 3 hours hatched.
thank you for any help.
At this point i'd just watch and wait. If you try to pull it off you may cause bleeding and lose them.
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Once they have dried, it will most likely fall off. If it didn'd i would CAREFULLY remove it from its bottom. If it is a yolk sac, it depends on the size. If the yolk sac is on the big side, the chick wont survive through the night. If it is on the small side, it will get sucked in and most likely live.
Thank you Miss Lydia and Ancona Breeder! I've not attempted to remove anything for fear of hurting them and will let nature take her course.
Looking good this morning! Two in the brooder sleeping it off and the third still fluffing out in the incubator. interesting since it's only now that the rest of the ducklings and goslings are stirring and pipping. these guys were very anxious to see the world! Thanks again for you insight.
Looking good this morning! Two in the brooder sleeping it off and the third still fluffing out in the incubator. interesting since it's only now that the rest of the ducklings and goslings are stirring and pipping. these guys were very anxious to see the world! Thanks again for you insight.
Great news, No don't forget to post pics when everyone gets here and is all fluffed up.

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