Help! EE hurt leg :(


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
I don't know how, but my 4 week old Easter Egger hurt her leg somehow. She is barely walking on it, it's that bad. She's eating and drinking as far as I've seen, nothing else seems wrong. What should I do? I don't see any apparent injuries either.
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I would just keep an eye on her to make sure she isn't being picked on by other birds. You probably could separate her if you wanted, so she can rest her leg, and give her some vitamins and a nice treat of egg or yogurt since she isn't feeling well. Good luck!
Thanks. I separated her from the others. They didn't seem to be picking on her, but if they ran around chasing each other they didn't mind running her over. >.> Mean girls.

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