Help - egg bound?

flock mommasan

6 Years
Dec 8, 2016
Central coast of California
One of my new chickens (~5 months old) was straining. Now she has a red bulge out her vent. It looks like it contains a partially hardened egg. I can see about a 1" portion of it and it feels pretty soft. What do I do?? She was pooping before the bulge came out -- that's why I noticed because it was running down her backside as she was straining. I put her in warm water and then the whole red bulge came out. Not sure what to do now!
Well, my husband was able to gently squeeze and the [soft] egg came out. He put the "innards" back in. We'll watch her tomorrow and hope it doesn't happen again. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate the feedback.

A neighbor suggested giving antibiotics (which he has). Is that necessary or ??
Did this help? I think my duck is doing the same thing but I just want to be sure. I have her in warm water now
The next day the chick was straining a bit, but she successfully delivered a regular fully hardened egg. She's had no problems since then and seems fine. I'm super relieved!

I think the warm water did relax her enough to push the whole thing out. I wasn't sure if she would have problems after my husband got the egg out, especially putting things back into place. But thankfully no.

I hope your duck is doing okay. Wish I could tell you what else to do, but I'm new to this part of things!!

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