help! eggs stopped moving


5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
This is my first time hatching chicken eggs..they are rhode island reds. Its day 22 in the incubator and 4 were moving quite often but now I have not seen them shaking in about an hour and no pipping temp and all are about 99F...should I be concerned yet??
I would give it bit more time, the days may be off, if the 'bator experienced any lows in temp. What is the humidity at this point.? If you candle eggs - try the ones that weren't moving first. The ones you saw moving may be getting ready to pip. Also go to "Raising backyard chickens," the side tabs to the right, give info on hatching etc.
I would tap them wile holding them to my ear as it sounds like it is time for some intervention before they are gone ......
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You need to give them more time. 21 days is just an average. They can hatch days later if the incubation temp was a bit low. So give them a few more days yet and see if they don't start hatching.

Good luck with the hatch and keep us posted!
Thanks for all the suggestions! Still no signs of humidity dropped very low but I don't now how to create humidity in there...I did candle them and can definitely see the chick, but can't tell if theyre moving

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