HELP! EMERGENCY! Chicken is very sick.


May 15, 2015
-Greenish poop stuck to vent feathers
-Diarrhea-like consistency
-Poop smells very bad
-She is pretty warm to the touch (compared to the other chicken that I checked)
-Her breast bones are more prominent (it seems like she might be losing weight)
-Even though she is very sweet, and lets me hold her and pet her, she usually puts up at least a little struggle when I'm trying to do so, but she didn't today (she's also acting weak in other ways, too).
-Her abdomen is pretty swollen.

About chicken-
-Her name is Eggo
-She's 4 years old
-I love her soooo much; she's more of a pet to my family than anything else.

Thanks for helping!

p.s. She has not been looking too well for the past few days, and has had the green poop problem for a few days also, but it has not smelled bad until today. She seems to be getting worse pretty fast. I ordered some electrolytes to give her, in case it had something to do with the heat, and I also gave her a bath two days ago, but the poop problem came right back.
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Have you tried sugar water while you are waiting for the electrolytes?
Is she eating?
What is your weather like?
The swollen belly makes me think internal laying. If that's what is going on, she might respond to antibiotics. I have not dealt with this but have read about it. I hope you can get her feeling better!

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