Help finding the right coop

I saw the coops. Prefabricated are inexpensive as reported and do not last very long. A shed or build your own is more ideal. You can also buy Amish made coops. Need to keep in mind min sq ft recommendations 4 sq ft per bird in coop and 10 sq ft in attached run.
E-z coop is another thought.
I have the exact same coop that you have, it was my starter coop. Fine for 2 chickens, when I added a third, they said it's too small. Nice coop and held up well, but I don't get snow. The run is way too small for anything more than a couple of hours confinement, as is true for most prefabs. If you are not planning on any more birds, you might be better off getting a covered dog run, and putting the coop inside that. A good coat of paint, and the cover over the dog run will probably net you a few more years, and cost less than a new coop. Then, you can save up to have someone build a good small coop for you.
I saw the coops. Prefabricated are inexpensive as reported and do not last very long. A shed or build your own is more ideal. You can also buy Amish made coops. Need to keep in mind min sq ft recommendations 4 sq ft per bird in coop and 10 sq ft in attached run.
E-z coop is another thought.
yeah i have look at EZ, i really like a lot of their coops, gonna try to convince my mom to look at them :fl
good afternoon everyone, and i’m so surprised this got featured! thank you!

here’s a Picture of my current set up. (cleaning it today:th)When we realize that the coop was way too small for my two chickens we immediately got an extension. With the extension in the coop is 3 1/2’ x 10’ feet. I know that still somewhat small, but the chickens get free range almost every single day. when ever the time goes below 0° including windchill I bring them into the garage where it is temperature controlled around 40 or 50°. When ever it goes below 15° including windchill I turn on the heat lamp they have in there. I know all the comments I’m going to get about fire hazard but I check on it and it is all good. The coop is shower curtain wrapped aswell
I recommend building your own! With a homemade coop, you have the option to add whatever assets you want/need for your flock. A coop that you buy probably won't have everything you want, and then you will see another coop that has everything that the other one doesn't. You can make your own cute and unique, with everything on your wish list for a coop.

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