Help!! Flystrike!!!


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2020

I have just found one of my chickens of deaths door, so I checked her over and I have just found maggots in her vent!!

So I’m understanding is that this would be flystrike, we have never had this in any of our chickens before!!

What do I do by prevent my other chickens getting this besides cleaning there house and checking them! Need help!!

All advice is welcome but if I needs to buy products please suggest with products I can buy in the uk

Thank you!
Soak your chicken’s vent area in warm Epsom salts or soapy water, and remove any visible maggots. More may hatch out in the next 24 hours, so this may need to be repeated a few times. Some disinfectant spray, ointment, or cream should be applied to the area. Chlorhexidene is in Savlon cream, or if plain Neosporin is available use that.
To prevent this in other chickens, check for poopy vents and clean them up. Treat for flies in your coop or run. Look for any cuts or wounds, since flies will also get into those. Here are some good tips:
Thank. You for the info and link. I'll start washing all the girls with poop butts (I just thought their feathers were too long and the poop didn't quite make it over them.) How do I prevent poop feathered butts??
Thank. You for the info and link. I'll start washing all the girls with poop butts (I just thought their feathers were too long and the poop didn't quite make it over them.) How do I prevent poop feathered butts??
Trim the poopy feathers off to about 1/4" from the skin.

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