Help for a sick Rouen!


7 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Hawi, Hawaii
I'm hoping for some help with one of my Rouens. My 3 month old Rouen drake has started acting "drunk". He stumbles around, not sure on his feet and his head is somewhat cocked to the side. He shakes (but not like he is cold, it's like he's dizzy) My husband described it that he looks like he has parkinsons. He eats normal (which is a lot) so has not lost weight and is super active running around all day with the other two. He still swims in the pond. The other two (same age, one duck one drake) are completely normal.

Yesterday I noticed it but it wasn't striking. This morning it's a bit more pronounced. I got a hold of him and gave him a good examination for injuries or something obvious and found nothing. He was pretty spunky and fought me and ran back to his buddies as soon as I put him down.

Any ideas? Has anyone ever seen this before? Unfortunately going to a vet is not an option for me but I have an extensive med kit on hand so hopefully if anyone has suggestions I can get right on it. I wanted to attach a picture or video but it's raining too hard at the moment. I can try to get one later if it's important.

Thank you so much for your help!
Miss Lydia answered my PM. I have him drinking activated charcoal and sav-a-chick electrolytes. She thinks it's either he ate something bad or is deficient in niacin.

Hopefully he'll pull through!
Thanks so much.

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