Help! Found her nest in the cold


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 28, 2014
My little cream legbar has been laying her eggs in a sneaky little place under the house. Temperatures have dropped to about -2.5 C since she has started laying. My question is; can I put them in the incubator or are the destined to be eating eggs. Thanks
My little cream legbar has been laying her eggs in a sneaky little place under the house. Temperatures have dropped to about -2.5 C since she has started laying. My question is; can I put them in the incubator or are the destined to be eating eggs. Thanks

While the thermometer outside reads -2.5 C it might well be higher than that under the house. I'd put them in the incubator and trust to luck.
Most of them hatched! I got 6 babies
I don't remember the exact number of eggs to begin with but I was pretty pleased

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