Help - freezing water!

If you could somehow attach the handwarmers to the water container without it touching the water or the chickens being able to peck at it. I don't know what is in those things and would be afraid of putting it in the water, for fear of what would leech into the water.
I'm working on an idea to do just that... but it's backburnered while I recalibrate the coop design.
Should have thought about even vs odd numbers where supplies are concerned, so readjusting my 'plans' to evens.

OY whattamaroon.

IF I ever get this design idea done, and then build it, I'll be sure and let y'all know if the waterer idea works out.

And I'll be checking back here (and elsewhere) for hints and tips... I love this site!!
I'm using a product called "snuggle safe". It is a round pink plastic disk filled with some kind of gel, made for cats to lie on. You microwave it for several minutes to heat it up and it stays warm for hours. It fits perfectly under my water containers--which are white plastic with red pans on the bottom, and keeps the water from freezing for several hours, depending on how cold it is. I put one under the water in the coop at night, and the water is still unfrozen in the morning. It is just on the edge of freezing here usually, but tonight it is supposed to get down to 13 degrees, so it will be interesting to see if it still lasts through the night. Last year I used concrete pavers that I heated by the fireplace insert, but I think this holds the heat longer. I looked at heated water bases, but felt they were too expensive for what they were.
Thanks for all the advice. Dh has one of those work lights, so we hung that nearby with a LOOONG extension cord out to the shop. Its not a lot of heat, but a 100 W bulb will help. And I put an old plastic butter tub full of water inside the coop. Hopefully one of those will stay thawed out. I will be out there in the dark at 6:30 AM though making sure that they have SOME sort of water for a few hours anyway before I go to work. I figure if I can just keep the water flowing for 3-4 hours/day they will get what they need.
just purchased a plug in water jug today at Orcelin's farm store. Right under 40 dollars. And we got an additional 5 hens from a neighbor!!!! The coop will be wild in the morning!!!
Lots of solid information. Here is something I learned tonight that may be of help.

Never put the water dish in a place where your likey to slip on the ice should water spill out and freeze...... (rubbing bottom) .... ouch!

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