Help! Hatching/pipping egg with no incubator - how can I jury rig one?

Yes they take there time. Sometimes they do nothing all day then they just pop out. Helping the chick out of egg sould only as a last resort. More often then not the chick will die if you help. Im waiting myself for a batch of silkies to hatch. If you want some good mothers hens silkies are great. They will hatch anyone's eggs.
The chick hatched after about ten hours! Thank you so much for the advice, everyone. The chick is very sleepy (they worked so hard I’m not surprised!) but seems otherwise alright. It has a bit of something attached to its bottom from the egg, it looks like when a chick gets poop stuck to its butt, but it’s not much so I’m just gonna see how it does.
The chick hatched after about ten hours! Thank you so much for the advice, everyone. The chick is very sleepy (they worked so hard I’m not surprised!) but seems otherwise alright. It has a bit of something attached to its bottom from the egg, it looks like when a chick gets poop stuck to its butt, but it’s not much so I’m just gonna see how it does.
Don't attempt to clean the gunk off of the chick, pulling on anything can be disastrous. The stuff will dry naturally and will be sloughed off. Nothing to worry about. Expect your chick to sleep A LOT for the next couple of days as all of that work to hatch really takes it out of them. You'll probably be tempted to wake them a few times just to be sure they're still alive... sometimes they sleep so soundly that they appear dead. Congratulations.

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