We are a preschool and have had our eggs start to pip... One started pipping yesterday morning, and started zipping but it is now not doing much. Is that normal? Thank you!!!
It's hard work for a chick to break out of an egg! I think that your chick is probably just resting, but the hatching experts around here will probably know for sure what's happening
OMG the stuff didnt transfer over to the new site correctly!!!
anyways if its zipping it should look like a zipper! and the zipping stage only lasts up to an hour so if its zipping you should help it out! just get the egg out and get the chick out of the shell. if you see blood put it back, but if it is zipping there should be NO blood.
this is external ZIP this is the stage that only takes an hour most times less than that, if its doing this assist the chick out or it can have orthopedic issues