HELP HELP HELP.... I think I killed them all....

Mine got cooked IN the incubator yesterday, so I feel your pain.

Ants are the bane of my existance, so I know I'd have done the same thing if I found them in my bator.
Well.... I am not one to sit still.... I candled one more time and saw no movement. I went ahead and opened them up... All dead. Well, first time incubating, complete loss....

Jenn so sorry. I too feel your pain. unfortunatley this is a live and learn sometimes hobby. Better luck with the next hatch.
I think I ruined my first hatch too all 38 of them! My incubator skyrocketed too 110 degrees for a few days! But following everyones advice-I'm leaving them in-I will candle this Sunday which will be day 10 and 12 and I will chuck anything that doesnt resemble life-at least a small shadow? IDK..Either way it took me a few days to stop beating myself up-so just'll never do that again-like me and get ready for the new batch if this doesnt work out...but we are not bad chickie momma's
I am so sorry for your loss. I have 24 in the bator now, just realize that you may have help save someone else's from dying by posting. I know now not to use a hair dryer. once again.......sorry.

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