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In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 2, 2013
Help like now my 10 week old chick has a limp what vitamins can i give her
Help like now my 10 week old chick has a limp what vitamins can i give her
Before assuming it is a vitamin deficiency, you should eliminate other possiblities. First of all, do you know if she was vaccinated for Marek's disease? Where did you get her from? I would also check her legs/feet for any swelling, redness, cuts, or odd appearance (which might signify a break). If possible, isolate her away from the other chicks, too.

Test whether she can move both legs as well. Push into the pad of each foot; she should curl her toes. Move the legs up and down to test for any stiffness and see if she reacts. If it appears that she can move her legs, but one or both legs are just weak, then we can consider vitamin treatment.

A good vitamin supplement to use is Polyvisol (without Iron) made for babies. You can also purchase some B and D vitamin supplements made for humans. Those are some of the more important vitamins.
Well said bantamlover it's sounds like good advice
Again , I've learned something new today
I don't need it now but knowledge before
Is always better thanks bantamlover and thanks
I just noticed on leg is thinner than the other and only on foot held on to my finger
So the thinner leg has better grip mabee
Leg injury?on fatter leg(swelling) If so a splint can be made with self
Cling ace bandage material specially designed
For animals like for wrapping the ankle of a horse
It's available at tractor supply or at your local grain store
Hope it helps
Sorry I'm learning my way through this chicken
Stuff too... I would refer back to bantamlover's
Post he or she sounds chicken educated lol
Good luck wish I could be more help
Before assuming it is a vitamin deficiency, you should eliminate other possiblities. First of all, do you know if she was vaccinated for Marek's disease? Where did you get her from? I would also check her legs/feet for any swelling, redness, cuts, or odd appearance (which might signify a break). If possible, isolate her away from the other chicks, too.

Test whether she can move both legs as well. Push into the pad of each foot; she should curl her toes. Move the legs up and down to test for any stiffness and see if she reacts. If it appears that she can move her legs, but one or both legs are just weak, then we can consider vitamin treatment. 

A good vitamin supplement to use is Polyvisol (without Iron) made for babies. You can also purchase some B and D vitamin supplements made for humans. Those are some of the more important vitamins.

I have notice a thin leg the one she pulls along bantamlover help me please
I just noticed on leg is thinner than the other and only on foot held on to my finger
When did you first notice the limp? Your chick could have some sort of deformity which is causing this thick/thin leg problem. In that case, there isn't much you can do to solve the problem, though your chick might still be able to lead a normal life. There are lots of chickens which have a deformed or missing legs and still manage to live happy egg-laying lives. Is it possible that you could post a photo?

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