HELP!! Hen attacked by dog!


First poop this morning.



Her feathers aren’t in the best condition, I didn’t rub her dry with a towel for fear of making the opening bigger. Her underside is still pretty muddy; can I give her another bath? She had been eating all flock, is there anything else I can give her (scrambled eggs, yogurt...etc)? When can I offer her food?

Her left wing seems fine but underneath her right wing she seems to have a few spots where Bo’s (the dog’s) teeth broke the skin. There’s just a little blood, and it’s all dry. Do I put a little Neosporin on it just to be safe?
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First poop this morning.

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Her feathers aren’t in the best condition, I didn’t rub her dry with a towel for fear of making the opening bigger. Her underside is still pretty muddy; can I give her another bath? She had been eating all flock, is there anything else I can give her (scrambled eggs, yogurt...etc)? When can I offer her food?

Her left wing seems fine but underneath her right wing she seems to have a few spots where Bo’s (the dog’s) teeth broke the skin. There’s just a little blood, and it’s all dry. Do I put a little Neosporin on it just to be safe?
IF she is alert and not lethargic, you may want to clean her up more since she's muddy. If she is not doing well, then I would hold off on that. You can use a hair dryer to dry her a bit.

Yes, if any skin is broken, I would put some triple antibiotic ointment on those.

You can offer her some egg, fish or meat to entice her to eat. Mine love wet feed so you can try mixing the all flock with a little warm water, let is soak for about 30 minutes or so. Mine like it about the consistency of oatmeal.
IF she is alert and not lethargic, you may want to clean her up more since she's muddy. If she is not doing well, then I would hold off on that. You can use a hair dryer to dry her a bit.

Yes, if any skin is broken, I would put some triple antibiotic ointment on those.

You can offer her some egg, fish or meat to entice her to eat. Mine love wet feed so you can try mixing the all flock with a little warm water, let is soak for about 30 minutes or so. Mine like it about the consistency of oatmeal.

Silly question, but if I were to give her egg, do I cook it, or is there no need to?
Well the egg was gone in about 30 seconds. She’s perked up a little bit but doesn’t seem like she wants to drink. The only way I can get her to is to put drops on her beak.
Well it's good that she liked the eggs.
If you have her caged/boxed up place her water up on something, that sounds odd, but mine prefer water stations up on blocks.
Something else I found, one of mine was not well when I had chicks one year. She would not drink from the normal water station, but would go nuts when I would refill the little chick waterer. I went and got the spare one I had for her to use and she drank from that until she got better. Not sure if it was the clear jar or what - chickens are very weird at times LOL

Anyway...if she's eating, then likely she will drink. Some people provide a little watermelon for caged sick/injured chickens as well. They may not drink much, but will eat the watermelon and sip on the juice. It's hydrating, so that's a thought too.
Question for @Wyorp Rock : OP is saying she is trying to hydrate her hen by putting drops of water on the hen's beak... is it safe to dribble water through the nares (nostrils)? If not, is there a better way to do it? I know syringing down the open beak can be very risky....
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She’s not too sure about it. :lau:love
Once she gets a taste, she might change her mind LOL
Cute picture:)

Question for @Wyorp Rock : OP is saying she is trying to hydrate her hen by putting drops of water on the hen's beak... is it safe to dribble water through the nares (nostrils)? If not, is there a better way to do it? I know syringing down the open beak can be very risky....
No, don't drop water into the nares.
It would be better to drop water beside the beak and allow the drops to "run around" the edge of the beak, they will take it in. Go slowly.
IF you have a small syringe that will slide down in the crop like you would give oral medication, you can give fluids that way, it takes practice.

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