Help! hen with a slipped disc??


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
Well m'girl Babs is still not able to bear any weight on her right leg. She injured it at first when i was trying to round up my girls and get them into the run because of a big storm that was coming. then the next day she few up to the table where i prepare their fruits/veggies and then stepped on a paper plate and fell off the table. She use her wings flapping to soften her landing but ever since then she falls down to her hock on the one side. The leg is useless. I took her to the vet last week and they took xrays and there is no sign of broken or dislocated bones/joints. She isn't sick - she eats like a champ and lays daily and the vet agrees that she doesn't seem to be ill in any way. He gave us a small dose of anti-inflammatory meds and told me to keep her rested. After around 5 days of "resting" in a dog crate with bedding etc.. (it is really hard for it to rest when she has to get up to drink her water and eat her food and move off of her egg, and when i come in she is afraid of me so she gets up to move away from the scary monster) she wasn't improving and she was panting a lot when she tried to use the leg. i brought her back to the vet and after testing her range of motion for pain etc...he discovered that the pain was more in her body. when he moved her leg a certain way she winced but not in any other direction and then when he pressed on her side, she winced again. He feels as though it is a back issue, that maybe she slipped a disc and that causes sciatic pain down her leg but to me the leg seems almost to just "give out" but he said it might seem that way because the minute she puts any weight on that leg it shoots pain down. No matter which way I google it, I cannot find anyone or anything about chickens with slipped/herniated disc. He gave me a higher dose of the meds and said that hopefully it will heal. I feel like if it hasn't improved by Thursday, I should put her to sleep because she will be attacked by the other hens if I ever put her back in with no use of her leg, and also she seems in pain. UGH. Do I get a second opinion? She gets so stressed.
Does this vet have experience with chickens, or were they just seeing your hen as a favor? In your previous thread, the possibility of Mareks disease was mentioned. That can cause paralysis of the leg. Also, and injury to the sciatic leg nerve can cause paralysis. Have you used the B complex that was recommended earlier? Someone also mentioned giving calcium in case she was eggbound. Has she laid an egg since? If she seems to be suffering a lot, you might consider putting her down, and then getting a necropsy by your state vet to look for Mareks or what was wrong. If you want to keep treating her, a chicken sling chair might be something you would make for her to get her upright, in front of water and food, and to help keep her clean. They can be removed for periods of rest and to sleep at night. Here is a link with many examples of slings, and the design and video are in post 11 and 12:
Does this vet have experience with chickens, or were they just seeing your hen as a favor? In your previous thread, the possibility of Mareks disease was mentioned. That can cause paralysis of the leg. Also, and injury to the sciatic leg nerve can cause paralysis. Have you used the B complex that was recommended earlier? Someone also mentioned giving calcium in case she was eggbound. Has she laid an egg since? If she seems to be suffering a lot, you might consider putting her down, and then getting a necropsy by your state vet to look for Mareks or what was wrong. If you want to keep treating her, a chicken sling chair might be something you would make for her to get her upright, in front of water and food, and to help keep her clean. They can be removed for periods of rest and to sleep at night. Here is a link with many examples of slings, and the design and video are in post 11 and 12:
Hi yes he is an avian vet and reputable. Do you know where to get vitamin B complex ( just regular pharmacy type?) and how much and how to administer?
Were they unable to get a picture of the spine? That would show if there is a disc slip. I assume it would be difficult to get an xray of though.. Sorry about your situation.
Does this vet have experience with chickens, or were they just seeing your hen as a favor? In your previous thread, the possibility of Mareks disease was mentioned. That can cause paralysis of the leg. Also, and injury to the sciatic leg nerve can cause paralysis. Have you used the B complex that was recommended earlier? Someone also mentioned giving calcium in case she was eggbound. Has she laid an egg since? If she seems to be suffering a lot, you might consider putting her down, and then getting a necropsy by your state vet to look for Mareks or what was wrong. If you want to keep treating her, a chicken sling chair might be something you would make for her to get her upright, in front of water and food, and to help keep her clean. They can be removed for periods of rest and to sleep at night. Here is a link with many examples of slings, and the design and video are in post 11 and 12:
Well m'girl Babs is still not able to bear any weight on her right leg. She injured it at first when i was trying to round up my girls and get them into the run because of a big storm that was coming. then the next day she few up to the table where i prepare their fruits/veggies and then stepped on a paper plate and fell off the table. She use her wings flapping to soften her landing but ever since then she falls down to her hock on the one side. The leg is useless. I took her to the vet last week and they took xrays and there is no sign of broken or dislocated bones/joints. She isn't sick - she eats like a champ and lays daily and the vet agrees that she doesn't seem to be ill in any way. He gave us a small dose of anti-inflammatory meds and told me to keep her rested. After around 5 days of "resting" in a dog crate with bedding etc.. (it is really hard for it to rest when she has to get up to drink her water and eat her food and move off of her egg, and when i come in she is afraid of me so she gets up to move away from the scary monster) she wasn't improving and she was panting a lot when she tried to use the leg. i brought her back to the vet and after testing her range of motion for pain etc...he discovered that the pain was more in her body. when he moved her leg a certain way she winced but not in any other direction and then when he pressed on her side, she winced again. He feels as though it is a back issue, that maybe she slipped a disc and that causes sciatic pain down her leg but to me the leg seems almost to just "give out" but he said it might seem that way because the minute she puts any weight on that leg it shoots pain down. No matter which way I google it, I cannot find anyone or anything about chickens with slipped/herniated disc. He gave me a higher dose of the meds and said that hopefully it will heal. I feel like if it hasn't improved by Thursday, I should put her to sleep because she will be attacked by the other hens if I ever put her back in with no use of her leg, and also she seems in pain. UGH. Do I get a second opinion? She gets so stressed.
Update. I did schedule an appointment for a second opinion with another vet 45 minutes away. Stay tuned and cross fingers and prayers up
Hi yes he is an avian vet and reputable. Do you know where to get vitamin B complex ( just regular pharmacy type?) and how much and how to administer?
You can get it at any pharmacy, human ones. I use a super B complex, higher dose, works faster, but regular will work also (regular tablets or capsules, not time release). Just put one in the beak daily, she'll swallow it. Alternately you can grind up and mix in a bit of moistened feed, just make sure she eats it all. The B's are very safe, you don't need to worry about overdosing. Extra will be excreted.
Good luck at the vet.
Were they unable to get a picture of the spine? That would show if there is a disc slip. I assume it would be difficult to get an xray of though.. Sorry about your situation.
Were they unable to get a picture of the spine? That would show if there is a disc slip. I assume it would be difficult to get an xray of though.. Sorry about your situation.
I am not sure if the spine was an x-ray. I never saw the x-ray myself. The doctor just came out and said there was no issue with bones or joints but I’m assuming he probably homed in on the leg. This other doctor that I’m taking her to tomorrow is renowned in the area for being the best avian doctor. Maybe she will have a different thing to tell us before I make hard decisions . I took another one of my hands there a long long time ago and she fixed everything that the other doctors couldn’t fix
I am not sure if the spine was an x-ray. I never saw the x-ray myself. The doctor just came out and said there was no issue with bones or joints but I’m assuming he probably homed in on the leg. This other doctor that I’m taking her to tomorrow is renowned in the area for being the best avian doctor. Maybe she will have a different thing to tell us before I make hard decisions . I took another one of my hands there a long long time ago and she fixed everything that the other doctors couldn’t fix
That is odd. They usually show the slides to you. You can ask to see them.
You can get it at any pharmacy, human ones. I use a super B complex, higher dose, works faster, but regular will work also (regular tablets or capsules, not time release). Just put one in the beak daily, she'll swallow it. Alternately you can grind up and mix in a bit of moistened feed, just make sure she eats it all. The B's are very safe, you don't need to worry about overdosing. Extra will be excreted.
Good luck at the vet.
Thanks so much - i am going to get some tomorrow - I will try every and anything for her. her mind and appetite and laying are so completely great - it is just that she is lame on one leg. i am not losing hope until i have no choice
That is odd. They usually show the slides to you. You can ask to see them.
I know. You know - I never really thought much about it because he came out and told me that there were no signs of a break or dislocation so I just took his word as gospel but the other doc will have a copy of it and can also do more views if necessary. I THINK I would rather put her through one more xray if there is a chance they can save her, but then I worry I will put her through all of that and then have to put her to sleep. UGH I hate this

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