HELP! Hen with gash on her back- what do I do???


8 Years
Oct 24, 2011
Hi, I have an elderly he that has a gash on her back. It is not huge but goes right down to the skin. It's not bleeding but I am worried about it getting infected. What should I do? Does it need antibiotics?
if she were mine, i would clean it and put some blu-kote on it, then watch it for signs of infection before jumping to antibiotics. i'd also keep her contained so that she has limited movement and doesn't get into scuffles with other chickens while it's healing (unless it stresses her out). chickens are remarkable healers, so good luck, hopefully she'll heal up
Thanks a lot. I was very worried. The wound seems clean and has started to dry up. What is Blu-, is it a antibacterial type thing??
Blu-kote is a antifungal spray. Farm stores have in chicken supply isle. I prefer to use the aerosol can of wound-spray in the horse isle. Its safe for other livestock, dogs etc.
it's an antibacterial to some extent as well as antifungal.

like blu-kote for chickens because it stains the area dark purple (side note: it will also stain YOU purple, so, be aware), which covers up the red of a wound that otherwise the other chickens are attracted to. but, it's all personal preference, whatever works best for you in your situation
any sort of wound type spray will be helpful, and hopefully help prevent an infection from taking hold.

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