*HELP* how long will a chicken go into hiding?!


6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
_My dog got into my chickens! None are injured just got feathers ripped out of them. 4 (out of 14) of my hens went into hiding in the

woods! Within the last 2 hours 3 of them have retured , EXCEPT for 1 hen...my 5 year old hen named Ginger :-( My favorite one! I am sure

she is hiding, or lost? Can they get lost? or is she just still laying low becasue she is still scared? What would be the longest a

chicken would hide? Can it be all day? For like hours and hours? Please hekp, I love and deeply care about all my pets, I am just sick about it..

- Courtney
She may hide a long time. You can try taking some feed out with you and walk around calling her, if she's one that usually responds to you that way. This happened to me once and it took a while for me to finally locate where each one was hiding and coax them out.
and i have been yelling and shaking food bags, that's how the other hens came, except her...... :-(
Hey , well she waited ALL DAY. Happend at around 11am, she came back to the coop to roost at dusk (6:55pm) !!! Crazy !
Lucky you, one of my 3 week old baby chicks ran off and straight under our neighbours shed. This happened yesterday morning. I was out there all day and night trying to lure her out with the other chicks, food and even plugged a heat lamp near for her. But nothing so far, i scared a cat or snake got to her already. I don't want to give up just yet. Did anything else work for you? @gingerjane
Mines too was scared off by my dog and was also my favorite so i'm pretty torn apart right now. She's just a baby (3 weeks old) and the quietest one out of all 5. So its kind of hard to know where she is when i don't hear her. =/

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