Help! Huge saddle shaped air cells!

Please help! I really need some advice about what I should do for these eggs. This is my first time hatching. They are silkie eggs at day 11 and they are all moving and look great except for these huge wonky shaped air cells, and they are only getting larger and extending down past the middle of the egg in a tear drop shape making me wonder if the membrane is literally detaching from the shell wall. These are shipped eggs and only 5 developed out of 22 eggs. They have been in a still air with fan and auto turner. I have had the humidity 20-30 but I started to raise to humidity yesterday when I discovered the size of the air cells. I am so afraid they are going to get stuck and not be able to rotate or hatch because of the little room. Has anyone had eggs with enormous air cells that still hatched fine? What did you do to help them hatch?
I was thinking of giving them to my broody to hatch since she wont screw up the humidity but I am concerned about if these eggs should be laying down on their side when the air cells look like this.
I read that some people prefer to hatch them in cartons with the sides cut down low and leaning kinda slanted so the air cell is up and should help avoid drowing.
I guess I am worried the most about them getting stuck and pipping on the wrong end, or me not getting the humidity right. I have been following a friends advise what she does to hatch her silkies but I dont think they have looked like this, so I dont know what to do. I want to give them the very best chance at hatching. Would they be ok on their sides or should they stay upright during hatching? Stay in incubator and maybe try the carton method, or.. give to my broody and just cross my fingers they hatch? What should I do?

I am goi g through this exact same dilemma with two broodies. Just wondering what you did in the end as we are now in the future🤔🐣🐤💫? Did you surrender them to your broody or incubate them until they hatched then introduced them to your broody??
I have something similar happening with shipped silkie eggs, I'm on day 11. I might try the egg carton tip and see how it goes.
I have just received six eggs in the post and we’re now on day three and I’ve just candled them and they’re looking as though they have saddle shaped air cells. I have two broody Pekins who I wanted to hatch through them so just wondering if there’s any help at all if I just let nature take its course.
I have just received six eggs in the post and we’re now on day three and I’ve just candled them and they’re looking as though they have saddle shaped air cells. I have two broody Pekins who I wanted to hatch through them so just wondering if there’s any help at all if I just let nature take its course.
I had my hen hatch eggs with saddled air cells with no issues. I also hatched some in an incubator. I have found if fully detached it doesn't matter what you do, they have never even developed for me. If wobbly at first and end up saddled I have had no problems. I have a bunch in the incubator on days 15 and 16 with major saddled air cells.

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