HELP I am new Chickens sick


10 Years
Jul 26, 2009
Hi I am new here. I see you have a wealth of information available.
I noticed my leghorn hen coughing a phlemy sounding noise. She was broody (yes a leghorn broody) so I took it for growling but still had a weird feeling about it. Next week my Buff Cochin Rooster had gross goop on his nostrils. So I contacted our daughters 4H leader and put them on aureomycin by her advice. Today she came over 3 other chickens are snotty with a closed eye. Cochin does however look better. Okay another bit of info I have had no eggs for 3 WEEKS. She said one of my hens discharge had a bad smell. I have done research and it sounds like coryza. I know this means I will have to Cull my entire flock. Is there any chance it could be something else or are my worse fears right. I bought 3 new pullets 6 weeks ago from the same person I always bought from and never had problems before. I did notice her chicken business had become a little haywire with chickens running around everywhere because of an illness she had that put her down for 2 months. I only seen one chicken that had a shut eye and everyone else appeared to be fine. Please Help
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sorry for all the grammer errors I am in a hurry to get 3 kids in bed
If the discharge has a fowl smell, then you are most likely looking at Coryza. I had to battle that with my flock last summer and you absolutely do not have to cull your entire flock. You will have to treat your flock, vaccinate them, then hunt down the carriers and cull them but not all of your birds will remain carriers so no need to cull all of them.

Here is a link to my thread I started last summer when my flock went through Coryza. Start reading around post #90. I documented every detail the vet had me do and really think you will find it beneficial. If you have any more questions after reading through the thread, please feel free to ask.

I wish you all the luck in the world with your flock.
I know this sounds goofy ..can you remember what the smell was like. Fishy..rooten ect.
I took a chicken to the state lab and they opened her up and said the lungs looked great but her gizzard was impacted with grass. Still have to wait on other results.
oh also we do not have a large amount of chickens (16) so if it turns out to be coryza I will cull them just for peace of mind. I could not stand going through this over and over and really never knowing if i got them all.

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