HELP! I am now mama to 17 duck eggs and lost as can be...


6 Years
May 31, 2013
Crossville, Tennessee..Go VOLS:)
My girls and I have been watching a mama duck with her eggs in my flower bed for almost a month. Well, unfortuantly the mama duck got killed on Tuesday:( Anyway I put the eggs on a towel in a carboard box with a towel over them and I sat the box on a heating pad. I have been turning the eggs and misting them with warm water. I have been reading about candleing and have done so but don't know what I am looking for. I see a air pocket in each egg but no movement. I put them in a cup with 99 degree water today and the all eggs floated slightly about the water but again no movement. I don't know what kind of duck the mother is. All I know is she is black and white. I went today (payday) and bought food for baby ducks just in case, heat lamp and thomometer. I took the heating pad out from under the box and put the heat lamp on them. The temp is at 99. after my kids and I watching her all this time I feel invested.I want to help! I am not for sure how far along the eggs are but they don't smell.
It is great that you are wanting to help. But duck eggs are kind of particular in their incubation needs. Since you don't know how far along they are, candling will be the only way that you can tell. My computer is acting up but search for "duck candling" on BYC or go to Metzer Farms website, they have a great tutorial on candling. I'd research the breed, as that can make a difference in the length of incubation. Several breeds that can be black and white are Muscovy, Ancona, Magpie but also a mixed breed could be colored that way.

Do you have a plan for 17 potential ducklings? What will you do with them all etc. Ducklings require a lot of care and are stinky gross little things. ;) Not trying to be harsh, just grounded in reality. Honestly, if it was me, and they were not far along, I'd just let them go.
From candleing them and pictures I see online on different sights they shoud be close to hatching. We have 3 ponds around us and lots of ducks they will just fit right in when they get a bit bigger. If they hatch we are just going to keep them warm,fed,watered and safe till it is safe to let them go. I really feel they are very far along.My neighbor said that it was a good sign the mama hadn't pused any out of the nest. None of the eggs smell and pretty clean too.
My girls and I have been watching a mama duck with her eggs in my flower bed for almost a month. Well, unfortuantly the mama duck got killed on Tuesday:( Anyway I put the eggs on a towel in a carboard box with a towel over them and I sat the box on a heating pad. I have been turning the eggs and misting them with warm water. I have been reading about candleing and have done so but don't know what I am looking for. I see a air pocket in each egg but no movement. I put them in a cup with 99 degree water today and the all eggs floated slightly about the water but again no movement. I don't know what kind of duck the mother is. All I know is she is black and white. I went today (payday) and bought food for baby ducks just in case, heat lamp and thomometer. I took the heating pad out from under the box and put the heat lamp on them. The temp is at 99. after my kids and I watching her all this time I feel invested.I want to help! I am not for sure how far along the eggs are but they don't smell.
Sounds like you have everything under control :) Good luck. We are waiting for 8 of our Runner Ducks to hatch, the mama was taken by a fox last week so we are waiting in anticipation for these little ones arrival, a friend has taken over the incubation because we don't have an incubator :)
Muscovies take 35 days to hatch :)
I don't think you see the eggs moving until towards the end of hatch......I wouldn't know for sure because I have only ever hatched under hen before and they don't usually let me in to look

Do you have a vague idea of when she started sitting in your garden?


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