Ok, so I got my shipment from IDEAL yesterday. After setting chicks in brooder, on of my silkies was drowzy and slept, he died during the night. I thought oh well, these things happen, and i was only ONE. Well know, a few hours later a RIR packing peanut started laying down not moving, breathing fast...he died like 5 minutes ago !!! NOW MY SULTAN !! is drowsy laying down, but at the moment if knocked by another chick will pick its head up and then put it down....he has been doing this a couple hours after the RIR started !!
what scares me is, this morning....they were up and round... eating drinking playing..... now dead.
they RIR died with a full crop.. so I know he was eating, the sultan has a crop too...
please help, I dont want to loose this sultan..best looking chick
what scares me is, this morning....they were up and round... eating drinking playing..... now dead.
they RIR died with a full crop.. so I know he was eating, the sultan has a crop too...
please help, I dont want to loose this sultan..best looking chick