help! i hatched out three chicks from an assorted bunch-


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2021
I know that my pullet is an ayam cemani and i was soooo happy! my cockerel is an old english but my second pullet i dont know what to name her and I've been looking everywhere for what she is! i think shes a mix? please help i need experts!

PS sorry for crappy quality i used my laptop camera :/


  • IMG_20210709_111024.jpg
    135.3 KB · Views: 36
Not quite sure what you are asking. Breed(s)? Where did you get this chick?
You will likely need to post clearer photos and close up of combs in order to get any answers. 😊
From what I can tell, looks like a mix.
Not quite sure what you are asking. Breed(s)? Where did you get this chick?
You will likely need to post clearer photos and close up of combs in order to get any answers. 😊
From what I can tell, looks like a mix.
sorry bout that heh. My question is what breed that specific chick is. she is 5 weeks old and im unsure-- i wanted to try an experiment to see if amazon sellers are scams or not so they were an assorted mix
Possibly a wyandotte mix. I can not see the comb though. What breed was she supposed to be?
no idea but here is a comb picture
my camera has terrible quality but she hasn't wuit developed it yet so there are like two small little worm-like things near the top end


  • IMG_20210709_142541.jpg
    410.3 KB · Views: 5
no idea but here is a comb picture
my camera has terrible quality but she hasn't wuit developed it yet so there are like two small little worm-like things near the top end
Hard to tell, but looks like a rose comb. In that case she is likely a wyandotte mix. Hard to say what else she is mixed with though.

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