
5 Years
Oct 8, 2018
USA, South Carolina
I Have a chick which my white silkie hen is raising along with 2 more, 2 of them was acting normal today and 1 isn't moving that much, it would go somewhere with some cover and lay down. It still chirps and walks, but only to somewhere to lay down and then it doesn't really move. But if it can't see its mother or siblings it'll call out to them. But it makes the "happy chick noise" when I picked it up and tried to warm it with my breath. And I had to get It out of the coop area today, cuz it was stending and not moving, can anyone help please
Can you post a picture, or video of the chick in question?

How old is the chick?
3 Weeks today, and It looks like it was cold and tired so it took a nap in the house and warmed it in the sun and It started acting normal again, so I brought it back to its mom and it didn't sit and hide it was active again, but it did give me a real scare, idk why it acted the way it did today tho
3 Weeks today, and It looks like it was cold and tired so it took a nap in the house and warmed it in the sun and It started acting normal again, so I brought it back to its mom and it didn't sit and hide it was active again, but it did give me a real scare, idk why it acted the way it did today tho
Try some vitamin electrolyte water, warmed up? It'll give it some more energy.

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