HELP! I have a sick chick!!


11 Years
Mar 22, 2008
When I went to bed last night...everything was great. When I awoke this moring I had a chick that is having difficulty standing up. He is gettting more lifeless and Im not sure what to do. He is one of 2 that was an easter gift. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
I've been reading a lot about how to raise baby chicks.

I think you need to give us more information about how you are keeping it.

From what I read so far, you have to use pine shavings, and make sure their temperature is 95F for the first week of life.

OH, and make sure you are feeding a baby chick starter so they can have energy!
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Ok more information. They are easter chicks from tractor supply. They have cedar bedding..are being fed commercial food and had seemed to be eating. Im not sure exactly how old they are as they were purchased day before yesterday and seemd fine until this morining. Up until now they had been kept at room temperature of aorund 72 degrees. I have since gotten a heat lamp to try and keep them warmer.
Yes, more information may help out in figuring out what happened.

What kind of bedding are you keeping them on? Cedar is toxic so if it is that, get them off ASAP. In addition, make sure that the temperature is warm enough like blueroo says.

Here is a link that covers the basics just in case:

Other than that, if you've hit all those points, sometimes chicks just don't thrive. If the place you got them had the babies shipped in, it is likely they are suffering shipping stress. It is not unusual to lose a few chicks within the first week.

Best of luck!
Ah, you beat me. Get that cedar bedding out ASAP. That bedding releases phenols which damage the linings of their respiratory system and makes them prone to infection and other problems.

In addition to that, keeping them at 72F probably gave them a really hard hit. They would normally be under the hen about 80% of they day for the first week of life and a hen's body temperature is about 102F. Put a thermometer under the heat lamp and make sure it is at least 90F. If you can get electrolytes for their water, that will help them get back on their feet, even sugar water may help right now.

Welcome to the board and I hope you can find all the information you need in order to make your chicks better!
Well its too late he just passed away. I cant believe that someone at tractor supply told me that cedar bedding was fine. It seems almost impossible to walk in a store and find someone knowledgeable about the things that they sell. I hope he rests in peace...such a senseless death..due to an unknowledgeable clerk
I would like to thank the kind people that responded to my post. There are 4 others that are still clucking so I hope to be a part of this forum still. Again..thanks so much for your help!
Hang around jffj. The folks on here are SO much help. Ask and ye shall receive an answer. It takes all the help you can get sometimes. Sorry for your loss, unfortunately some of the clerks just don't know what's up. Not mean, just ignorant to circumstances.

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