Help I have kind of just thrown myself into raising chickens.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 16, 2012
Hello everyone. I started raising ducks earlier this year and was surprised one morning to find a banty chicken sitting at duck door one morning. I have no idea where she came from. Well decided I should get a couple of more chickens to keep her company. So now I have been enjoying those chickens that I just got some more today. I have about 23 ducks and 13 chickens. Ducks free range when I am home but we keep the ducks and chickens in same pen. Is this OK? We have a 20x10 run hooked up to a heated 8x10 shed. They seem to be getting along OK. Has anyone else raised them together?
Mine are together, which I was nervous about too, and I have had plenty of people say they raise them together and a few say they separate them, and mine are getting along great though. :)

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