HELP!! I hope I didnt mess up

Ckn woman

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
Yesterday was day23 and I thought the hatch was over.. I took my chicks out of incubator and put them in the brooder. I noticed and egg that was complete and had a half of a shell on it so I just took it off and left it for this morning (til I could clean the incubator). Well.. It hatched this morning and now I am worried that I messed up because I opened the incubator. I have another egg in there also but no signs on it either. what do I do?
We candled them on the 11th day and there was one in question. This one hatched fully out of shell, but I dont think it could have gotten out if we hadnt pulled that half of the other shell off. It is in the incubator drying now. I was just wondering since I opened the incubator during what I thought was over if it will hurt this lil baby.
If it appears healthy, then it should be fine

You may want to candle the other egg just to make sure
well, since it's been real late (23rd day) perhaps it won't be a much problem. even my hen just taking food easily around and then just sit again on the egg and some hours later the baby chick hatched out. but it's incubator in your condition.

i hope the chick healthy and everything's going to be okay. agree with eggscroll you've to check the remaining egg, i also check the remaining unhatched egg for *life sign*
I think I will just wait until I know this lil baby will make it thru. I sure hope I didnt mess up because we only have one other barred rock in the flock and the rest are buffs. So I was counting on some more BR because we Need some color in our flock! lol

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