help! i think i have a mean chicken {or the begianings of one}


11 Years
Jul 17, 2008
every time i walk by it it chases me and pecks me on the leg,
it does not raise it's hackels or threaten me, is it mean or starting to be mean or not mean at all? If it is starting to get mean how do i stop it? If it is mean what do i do? if it is not mean how do i discourage it from pecking me? Can i have some help here?
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I guess I wouldnt take any bets but if I HAD to I would say its starting to be mean!
I have heard some people here say to scoop it up and carry it around, not let it think it intimidated you? I am sure there are a LOT of more good ideas people have!
Impose your dominance over it -- pick it up and carry it around like a football.

Act very nonchalant... Don't talk to it - act like it's just a sack-o-potatoes. The other chickens will make fun of it and put it in its place.

Or you can drop-kick it.
We had one that was like that---
and we scoop him up, tuck him gently under one arm and rub under his chin talking quietly and cheerfully to him... he's now so spoiled he flies up on my shoulder every time I go in the coop!

He's trying to figure his pecking order with you--establish that you are bigger- but nicer!
A treat when ya pick him up helps too!


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