Help I think my chicken is egg bound


May 19, 2022
My australorp is 18 weeks and has not layed a egg yet but today she is walking with her tail down and keeps laying down. She has been eating normal and poop has been normal. I have never experienced this with a chicken that never layed before. Can she be egg bound with out ever having layed a egg ? Or has anyone experienced that the first egg is hard for some chickens ? I need some advice and tips please !! She is a lot smaller then my other Australorps I don’t know if that could have anything to do with it .
My australorp is 18 weeks and has not layed a egg yet but today she is walking with her tail down and keeps laying down. She has been eating normal and poop has been normal. I have never experienced this with a chicken that never layed before. Can she be egg bound with out ever having layed a egg ? Or has anyone experienced that the first egg is hard for some chickens ? I need some advice and tips please !! She is a lot smaller then my other Australorps I don’t know if that could have anything to do with it .
Is she able to poop?
If she's not, then gently feel inside her vent to see if you feel an egg.
I'd give her 1 Calcium Citrate once a day for several days.

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