HELP I think they are egg bound

Pit Bull Farm

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
So I just lost my little bantam and one of my RIR's is not doing the same thing. They sit like they are trying to lay but do not get up all day, I am sure they are eating and drinking because she is still alive but this has been going on for a few weeks. It is like she is waiting to lay but doesn't.

egg production has stopped but the heat has been really bad and I thought maybe that was the reason. But since they are still sitting I am worried and now that I just lost my bantam I am really worried.

we just moved about 2.5 months ago and I sent most of my hens to live in my mom's coop till we can finish ours. I kept two roo's in a cage, 2 guineas and 1 hen in another, and put the bantam by herself. I did not want my bantam to get picked on in such small cages. They are big enough for them to move around a bit but not as big as the coop was. This weekend the coop should be done and I can let them run around again. They all eat lay pellet and have access to food and water all day.

Could they have been egg bound? Is there anything I can do about my RIR? of course she would have to be my favorite chicken!
The pen is about 4' by 4' with her and two guineas No they are not free range chicken the dogs would get them but I hope to have the coop up this weekend for them. The problem is she is nesting and will not get up and that is why I think she is egg bound I would just hate to lose her she is my favorite!
That's what it was! Thanks! I moved her and she had collected a few rocks that looked like eggs and was trying to hatch them! I didn't even think she could be broody since I had not seen eggs but when I moved her I saw the rocks and took them out and today she was running around with the other birds. Thanks for your help!

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