Help I was up all night! My baby button thinks I am it's mother.


10 Years
Dec 13, 2009
Kings Park NSW Australia
He was the only one that survived. What do I do?
I have to carry him everywhere or he cries for me.

I have another 6 eggs due to hatch in a couple of days. I hope they will keep him company. I just sat him down to type this and he went off his head - crying so loud. He was the one survivor from a huge double yolker egg I incubated, so I think he is feeling very lonely.
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I truly feel for you. I had a coturnix quail hatch a week before some others and boy did he drive me nuts. I took to wearing my husbands t-shirts that have the pockets on the front. Shoved a paper towel in first and put his little butt in there to carry him around. Night time was the worst. Crying allllllllllllllllllll night long. Here's to hoping your others hatch on time so you can get some relief.
Have you tried hanging a feather duster from the corner of your brooder.. They love to hide in the feathers, its feel like they are with MOM
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Small stuffed animals too I've heard help lonesome little ones.
I've been meaning to look at the cat toys to see if they have a small
feathered bird to have in the event I had a loner.


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