Help identify a goose


8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
Sorry no pic. I was at a park and saw 2 geese that were smaller than the african. They were grey and had white heads and necks. Any idea. I am looking for a small goose and this would fit the bill.
Sorry no pic. I was at a park and saw 2 geese that were smaller than the african. They were grey and had white heads and necks. Any idea. I am looking for a small goose and this would fit the bill.
No idea could even be a mix, but if they are domesticated you might get permission to catch them and bring them home.
Like miss lydia said it is proably a mix, the hard part might be trying to get permission to catch the geese, when some one dumped a pair of geese at our local lake I called the parks and recreation department and they told me that I can not go and get them they are going to waite till the lake gets over populated or till the birds get agressive then they will have a "vendor" come in and get them and most likely put them down, so then to myself I said enough is enough and I went down to the lake one night with my grandma and grandpa and caught them. I was not willing to set thier and let some thing happen to thoes beautiful geese!

So my sugestion is to try to contact the mayor of some one of higher power to give you permission

In this picture you can see how hongry they where, they didnt even let me back away before they started chowing down.

If it's only too and their smaller than africans it could be a Wild Pair.
Really, without seeing a photo or seeing the geese, it is impossible to guess what breed.

If you want small geese, Cotton Patch geese are small and nice natured.

There is also an Oregon Mini Goose, although those are rare and quite expensive.
I did take a photo with my cheapo phone but imhave to bluetooth it to my laptop and havent done it yet. I will try to get it done tomorrow and post it

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