Help identify poop outside run


6 Years
Oct 8, 2015
SE Arkansas
This is from over night outside the run. Chickens were looked up in coop. It is large size poop. What animal did this? I live in the Piney woods in SE Arkansas. I placed a 12x1" ruler by it but you can not read numbers. Any ideas? Have raccoons, possum, and coyotes, In the area.

Thanks Linda
Thank you for the reply. I just put out a trail cam on that area. I'm sure it will return. It's just much larger than any I have seen in the past.
Thanks again, Linda
I read your post that you put up a camera. I love my cameras and have been surprised at the predators that roam around here especially at night. Again good luck...
I think it might be coyote poop. If you have a game camera, put it up. Most likely whatever it is has been around and then you will know. Good luck.
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Thank you. It looks like it's full of berries. Like raccoon scat, just a lot bigger. I have camera and live trap baited with sardines and foot traps bated with marshmallows. So maybe tomorrow I will know

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