Help identify


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 13, 2013
I right aised these from chicks in febaury. Just straight run bantams. I never posted them to figure out the breeds. Now I have three chicks that I let a broody hatch three chicks but I don't know from what hen or rooster
the six adults
the three chicks
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Indivdual pics of each chickens helps being able to identifying them so we can just say 1 is this 2 is that and so on. I see a D'uccle in there. The chicks are proably mutts considering it looks like you just have a bunch of breeds mixed together and their dosent even look to be a pair of the same breed. Might be able to determine which hen they came from when they are older though. With individual pics I will be able to help more :)
Indivdual pics of each chickens helps being able to identifying them so we can just say 1 is this 2 is that and so on. I see a D'uccle in there. The chicks are proably mutts considering it looks like you just have a bunch of breeds mixed together and their dosent even look to be a pair of the same breed. Might be able to determine which hen they came from when they are older though. With individual pics I will be able to help more :)

x2 From what I can see, I'd say the one in the top left photo is a Birchen Cochin. The ones in the top right photo (from left to right), I'd guess Dutch or OEGB, ?, ? (They almost seem like Dutch or OEGB. More photos of them would help), and black cochin (As long as she's got red earlobes. Or, I'd say she's at least a cochin mix). The bottom left photo I'd say the same as in the second photo, except I'd imagine the hen is probably the same as the roo you've got. And, yes, whatever the parents are, then the chicks would be that cross. The little brown striped ones are most likely from either your lovely-colored Dutch/ OEGB roo and/ or your little 'matching' brown/gray (Ugh, I've never been good at describing that color chicken!!) hen.
Indivdual pics of each chickens helps being able to identifying them so we can just say 1 is this 2 is that and so on. I see a D'uccle in there. The chicks are proably mutts considering it looks like you just have a bunch of breeds mixed together and their dosent even look to be a pair of the same breed. Might be able to determine which hen they came from when they are older though. With individual pics I will be able to help more :)
x2 :)
I right aised these from chicks in febaury. Just straight run bantams. I never posted them to figure out the breeds. Now I have three chicks that I let a broody hatch three chicks but I don't know from what hen or rooster
Old English game mix (far left), not sure on the white and grey birds, and the black bird is a Black Cochin.
OEG mix on the left , not sure on the middle bird, and Old English game/Dutch Bantam (what color are her earlobes-- if white, she's a Dutch Bantam, if red, she's an Old English Game or a mix) on the right bird.
Her earlobes are red thanks for the help. All the chicks hatched out of white eggs so I'm wondering how I got a black chick
After looking at pictures and reading description I think everyone is correct. Birchen Cochin. Black Cochin. Oeg too and hen. I haven't figured out the two white hens. Atleast one chick came from the birchen because it has feathered feet

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