Help Identifying Animal Droppings and Predator *Warning: poop pic*

Deer poop looks something similar to that.
Thanks for the tip. We don’t have any deer close to our area or a way for them to access my yard if we had them here. It’s still a mystery animal for now. I’ve scattered the Repel-All granules and a motion sensor light so we’ll see if they come back tonight. I’ll cross my fingers.
This was a little over a month ago, a bobcat outside my chick/grow-out coop. I'm sure it knows the electric wires are around the coop and pens. Here the predators roam mostly at night.
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Thanks for sharing your footage. I don’t have a game camera, but I may temporarily move my front door ring doorbell (we still have our old wired doorbell) to just outside the coop/run area so I can identify our uninvited visitor.

Just checked and the visitor seemed to have left even more poop, as if it was angry that I sprinkled Repel-all around the coop and run! I will definitely put a camera in tonight and will update if I get any pics or video of the animal. I’ll cross my fingers.
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You can get fairly inexpensive cameras but they have to be fairly close to the subject. Not all are good for nighttime pictures. Good luck...
I just researched cecotropes, and yes the description and pictures look very similar to what I have been finding. I set up my camera last night and the animal seemed smart enough to just poke it’s head in the corner of the line of vision and it didn’t proceed any further. From the very blurry image I saw of the animal, it looks to be in the size range of either a skunk, oppossum, rabbit, or raccoon.

I also installed one of those solar predator guars that flashes red lights and the animal must have sensed changes to the coop/run environment.

I also looked into the Wyze camera, and it looks very reasonable and has better quality footage than the ring doorbell I have on right now. Hoping I’ll get down to the bottom of this mystery animal soon.


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