Help identifying barnyard mix please


6 Years
Sep 17, 2014
I got a lovely barnyard mix from a BYC user that have just hatched. I've identified a few but I'm a silkie girl and don't have much experience with most of the breeds in the mix.


Chick #1

Chick #2

Chick #3

I do realize they'll be mixed breeds most likely but a general idea of possible breed would be helpful. Thank you for any help! I'm thinking maybe marans on the 2 darker? The little white with black spots has me completely stumped! Other than being beautiful of course
Some breeds have distinctive characteristics unique to their offspring giving a telltale sign of their parentage or mixed parentage. Such as a chick with 5 toes has silkie lineage, some have chipmunk striping, mottled leg coloring, etc... I'm not looking for difinitive coloring just an idea of possible parentage based on coloring and patterning. It would be much easier if they were a bit more feathered for sure!

Chick #2 is a black australorp. I had forgotten that I had one hatch. So the other 2 are the ones I'm not sure of still.
Some breeds have distinctive characteristics unique to their offspring giving a telltale sign of their parentage or mixed parentage. Such as a chick with 5 toes has silkie lineage, some have chipmunk striping, mottled leg coloring, etc... I'm not looking for difinitive coloring just an idea of possible parentage based on coloring and patterning. It would be much easier if they were a bit more feathered for sure!

Chick #2 is a black australorp. I had forgotten that I had one hatch. So the other 2 are the ones I'm not sure of still.
It's hard to tell with a chick, especially when you have so many possibilities. Put that on top of trying to calculate genetics, and it's even harder. As you mentioned, some chicks have certain characteristics inherited from the five-toed Silkie, and such, but none of the breeds really have that. Also, chick down and leg color don't always point to the breed. Leg color can change, and down in chicks in hard to determine, especially since a genetic guide on it it hard to find. It'd be better to post when they're older, then we can all help.

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