Help Identifying my Domestic Ducks


Mar 27, 2015
I was wondering if anyone could help me identify my ducks? They're about 4.5 weeks old now. When they were ducklings, they were all yellow. Two weeks ago, they started getting white feathers (I was sure they were Peking Ducks) - however their feathers are now coming in brown. Their breasts are a light brown, and their feathers near their tails and wings are white and brown. Their beaks are a light pink/brownish color. Here is a picture of them!!! I am starting to think they are Welsh Harlequins but am still not 100% sure. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Welsh Harlequin ducklings generally have some darker fluff on them around the eyes and on their head. Also the bills would be darker by now.
But you are right the chests have the mottled appearance the WH's have. Could they be mixes? Where are they from?

Sorry I'm not much help.
Thank you for responding. We got them at our local Tractor Supply - they only identify them as "Straight Line Ducks" - they told us there was no way to know what kind of ducklings we were buying. I guess we will have to wait and see until they are full grown :)
Then they are most likely not Welsh Harlequins. Those are only bred/sold at a few of the larger hatcheries. Tractor supply can tell you what hatchery their ducks came from so that you can narrow down the list. Around me in the Charlotte, NC area they all came from a hatchery in Michigan. I don't recall what the name was, but I simply asked and they pulled out the shipping label and told me.
Thank you! At this point I think they are Khaki Campbells or Rouens....but it is still hard to tell. I called tractor supply and the hatchery they came from have Pekins, Rouens, Khaki Campbells, mallards and Indian Runners.
Yes they do stand upright - but I've looked at runners and they don't seem to stand as tall as the pictures I see online..but who knows!!! Here are some updated pictures of them :)

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