Help, I'm on Fire!


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
My hands are on fire.

I just finished chopping 3 pounds of jalapenos for salsa and my hands are burning (the gloves didn't help apparently). Anyone have a quick home remedy to put the burn out?

Repeated washing hasn't helped. Don't have any sunburn relief stuff around, not even aloe.

Thanks in advance.

First thing I thought of was Ricky Bobbie talladega nights.

Use the witchcraft to get the fire off'a me! Did you try stripping down to your underwear? LOL

Try using something to "soak up" the juice off your hands. Baking soda?
Thanks for the replies (and chuckle re: Taladega Nights). I ended up with an ice pack on my hand for about 30 minutes and that helped a lot.

I've made jalapeno salsa with our peppers twice before today and didn't have any problem with the peppers. Wonder if they are hotter now that the weather has warmed up so much, is that possible?
You plan on eating that stuff ? Not me . Hope the burn stops soon .

You bet we're going to eat the salsa! We grew these things from tiny seeds, watched them germinate, grow, flower and bear fruit. This has been a great year for our peppers (not so for tomatoes unfortunately). We're growing sweet banana, jalapeno, bells, serranno and poblano. We've eaten them here at home, given them to neighbors, sold them at the farmer's market and frozen and canned them. And we're still getting an abundance of them for which we are very grateful :)

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