help im woried

its called "pasting". This is the first time I have ever had chicks and 2 of mine were that way. The expert here told me to take the baby and dip her little bum in some warm water for a minute or so and then wipe it off with a wet paper towel. I had to do it 2 times but now they are all poo free!
OHH I forgot to mention - the first time i did it, and put her back in the brooder with wet feathers, the others started pecking at her like crazy. so I took her out and blow dried her. when i put her back dry they didnt even notice her anymore.

Blow dry on low and held the dryer far away so not to burn her.
Yeah sometimes they get pasy butts. Just make sure to remove it so they can poo or it will kill them. I usually take a warm rag and sit it on their bum for a bit then slowly work the poo off. You can then put a little oil on the feathers to keep it from sticking again, most time you dont have to as they usually stay clean after a time or two of cleaning them. I make it a point for the first 2 weeks to check them daily for pasty. Some will get it some wont.
Ditto for me....... Never thought I'd blow dry a chicks butt before! But I did!

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